Excellence in Placentia Awards
The Board of Directors of the Placentia Chamber of Commerce is delighted to announce the continuation of the Placentia Chamber of Commerce Excellence in Business Awards. In addition to the Citizen of the Year Awards, we will be honoring businesses for outstanding contributions to the economic health and quality of life in Placentia.
We encourage you to nominate businesses in one or more of the following categories:
Business of the Year:
Nominee must be in business at least three (3) years and must have demonstrated the following characteristics:
- Exceptional growth through additional creation of jobs
- Has achieved success through diversification into new products or markets
- Provides an atmosphere which gives their employees opportunities for growth
- Demonstrates innovative communications and marketing campaigns
- Demonstrates civic leadership through the giving of time, talent and resources to the betterment of Placentia
New Business of the Year:
Nominee must be in business less than three (3) years and must have demonstrated the following characteristics:
- Demonstrates a strong potential for future growth and sustainability
- Innovative products or services
- Evidence of recognizing and acting upon a new market opportunity
- Active in the Placentia Community outside of regular business obligations
Not for Profit Organization of the Year
Nominee must be a registered Not for Profit Organization and must have demonstrated the following characteristics:
- Broadened education of their service
- Demonstrated creativity and innovation in meeting the needs of the Placentia community
- Promotes Volunteerism
- Demonstrated the organization’s growth and stability
- Clear evidence and examples of making a positive and worthwhile impact on society, individuals and/or the environment.
Family-Owned Business of the Year:
Nominee must be Family owned and operated and have demonstrated the following characteristics:
- Provides exemplary customer service
- Demonstrates multiple family members/generations currently work in the business
- Demonstrates significant growth and innovation in the company’s market sector
- Demonstrates performance that makes the business stand out from it’s competitors
- Demonstrates civic leadership through the giving of time, talent and resources to the betterment of Placentia
Woman-Owned Business of the Year:
Nominee must be 51% or more Woman-owned and have demonstrated the following characteristics:
- Evidence of being an inspirational, passionate and dedicated business leader
- Demonstrates the ability to overcome challenges
- Has achieved outstanding success in business
- Provides exemplary customer service
- Demonstrates Civic leadership through the giving of time, talent and resources to the betterment of Placentia
Employer of the Year
Nominee is an employer who has demonstrated the following characteristics with regards to the treatment of their employees:
- Consistently provides a positive work environment for all employees while maintaining, and even exceeding, employment standards and safety policies
- Provides benefits for health and wellness
- Provides training, professional development and job creation as well as recognition and awards for exemplary employees
- Impacts the community through social services and added value by making Placentia a better place to work
Youth Volunteer of the Year (additional information needed. See below):
Nominee is an individual who has demonstrated the following characteristics:
- Nominee must be between the ages of 13 and 18 years old.
- Nominee has left a positive impression through volunteering and giving back to the community of Placentia
- Must lead by example through their social, civic and academic commitments while striving to improve the quality of life of fellow citizens and the community as a whole
- Must be proactive in planning for the future
- Nominee must demonstrate initiative, leadership and creativity in his/her service to others and serve as a role model for others in the community and inspires others to engage in volunteer service
- Nominee must have earned a minimum of 30 community service hours
Citizen(s) of the Year (additional information needed. See below):
Nominee is an individual that has demonstrated one or more of the following characteristics:
- Nominee is actively involved in community work and/or service club’s/church groups outside of their place of employment or educational facility
- Nominee has had a positive impact in the community
- Nominee has demonstrated a personal commitment to the benefit of the community
- Has performed an outstanding achievement or act of heroism
- The community has benefited from this person’s involvement
- Has overcome significant personal adversity
- Has positive and inspiring personal attributes that serve to encourage others
Criteria & Rules:
- Non-Chamber Members with an active business located in Placentia are eligible
- Chamber Members within Placentia and surrounding areas are eligible
- You may nominate more than one business including yourself
- Business that meet the award requirements are encouraged to apply directly for the award
- Businesses should not be nominated in more than one category and will be judged in the most appropriate category
- Past winners must wait five years to be nominated for a category they have won in.
- Brief letters of recommendation are required for Citizens and Youth Volunteers of the Year.
- Nominations must be received by December 31, 2023.
**These letters of recommendation are critical for your nominee to be considered and potentially win their category. The people voting may not be familiar with your nominee, so what is said in your essay and reference letters is what will compel them to choose your nominee. Please take the time to represent your nominee in his/her best light. If you believe your nominee deserves to be recognized as the award-winner in their category, they also deserve a thorough nomination from you so that they have the best chance of winning the award.
A gala to announce the winners and present the awards will be held at Alta Vista Country Club on Thursday,February 1, 2024. The event will go from 6:00-9:00pm with the program from 6:00-8:00pm and cocktails and dancing the last hour. The cost is $80 per person for early bird pricing. $90 after January 18thand at the door.
Submit your nomination here:
1. Fill out the form.
2. For Citizens and Businesses of the Year, please use the text box below to submit a brief narrative describing how your nominee meets the criteria of the award category they are nominated for and download, fax or send two Letters of Recommendation.
Call (714) 528-1873 with any questions Deadline 12/31/23 at 5:00pm
Pillars of the Community